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News & Events

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Year 5 became designers for a day when they visited Enginuity in Ironbridge last week. The children learnt about the structure of bridges and why when constructing a bridge  some shapes are better than others to support weight. In groups of four children designed a bridge within a set budget. Once the design was complete , they were able to construct the design using art straws and glue guns. These structures were then tested to see which was the strongest. A bucket was attached to the bridge and sand was poured into the bucket. When the bridge began to collapse the amount of sand was weighed. One bridge supported a weight of nearly 5Kg!  This visit supported our current D&T topic and the Geography topic of Rivers from last term. Alongside this, children had to use Maths skills-working within a set budget and measuring as well as communicating with each other. This is an example of how we try to make visits out of school link to current learning , and providing opportunities for children  to make connections in their learning. Learning aside we had a great time!


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