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Ethos & Mission

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Aim High, Work Hard, Achieve Together.

Here at Bilston Church of England Primary School we aim to provide children with an enriched education which will offer the necessary skills and knowledge in which they can excel. We have high expectations of our pupils and want all our children to achieve their full potential.  We provide an education based on Christian beliefs and attitudes, whilst encouraging pupils to respect other cultures and religions within our society.


We encourage positive attitudes to all aspects of school life through equality of opportunity and by fostering an atmosphere of co-operation. Children and staff work together as part of the community in order to raise aspirations and raise self-esteem whilst providing a stimulating broad and balanced curriculum.



Ethos and Values

Bilston Church of England Primary School is a Voluntary Controlled School. This reflects the partnership between church and state in providing education for all within a distinctly Christian context.


As a Church of England School we meet daily for whole school worship and our teaching about the Christian faith within a Christian atmosphere is cultivated.


The school exists to provide the best possible education suited to individual need, and children from all religions and cultural backgrounds are welcome. We strive to develop a sympathetic understanding of other cultures and peoples, and to create equal opportunities for all, irrespective of race, colour, gender or creeds and to regard each child as being of equal value. We encourage pupils to reflect upon their own attitudes towards other individuals and their environment.


We endeavour to provide a secure environment in which each individual can flourish academically and as a person. Each child is an important individual who must be encouraged to think and to reach maximum potential at his/her own individual pace.


We encourage respect for each other, each other’s views and each other’s property, to enable each pupil to live and work in a spirit of co-operation with others.


In the school life, our pupils are given opportunities to widen their knowledge and experiences by participating in a variety of educational visits and extra-curricular activities.


One of our most important aims is to develop and encourage well-founded links with the home. To this end parents are asked to work in partnership with the school to promote positive and therefore helpful relationships. We wish to establish a partnership between the school and the wider community, which it serves.


Our main aim, together with parents, is to create happy, confident and socially acceptable young people who, having started to develop caring and responsible attitudes will be equipped to make the best of their own aptitudes and abilities.




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